gluten free grocery store finds

 pembroke, nc gf grocery store finds

the surrounding grocery stores around UNCP are Food Lion and Walmart, although there aren't a TON of options, there is a decent amount. Food Lion actually has a dedicated gluten free section in the store, and Walmart has gluten free items scattered about. 

some of my favorite finds from Walmart-

Apple gate gluten free chicken nuggets- $11.98 for 16oz (30 nuggets)
Canyon Bakehouse Ancient grain gf bread- $4.98 for 15 oz (15 slices)
Barilla penne gf pasta - @2.52 for 12oz (6 servings)
Vans gluten free waffles - $3.38 for 9oz (6 waffles)
Great value Gluten free all purpose flour- $3.43 for 22oz (16 servings)
Great value GF Oreo dupes- $2.68 for 24 cookies

Some staple finds from food lion-

I like Food Lion better for gluten free items because its all in one section together, although it is more expensive. Walmart does have some good finds, but they are harder to find as they are spread out.
Something I've found convenient is downloading apps, most are available on the App Store and google play store, the specific apps i use are Spoonful food scanner, and The Gluten Free Scanner. Both of these apps you can use anywhere in the country, and in any store. I personally like the Spoonful food scanner better just because I do have other food allergies such as peanuts, and I can log that in as well and it will scan any allergen, its also super easy to use and easy to get by.


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