Navigating the UNCP dining hall

 Navigating the UNCP dining hall, gf edition!

UNCP, and most colleges require a meal plan for freshman and sophomore year, having food allergies is super inconvenient when you don't have complete control over the cooking, serving process of food, it also limits your options. I personally filled out a request to be excused from a required meal plan as a sophomore due to this, but as a freshman I made due. Here's some things i've picked up from my dining hall experience. 

I recommend getting the lowest meal plan, if your able, and then racking up on flex or dining dollars, which can be used at other dining locations on campus, such as the business building cafe, or chick fila. or even snacks in the bookstore (they have gluten free snacks there). doing this will also save you money so your able to buy groceries and cook in your dorm/apartment. 

UNCP provides all allergen and nutrition facts on their website, which can be viewehere. but it may be wrong, I would double check with the staff, although they will most likely not know. so just stick to what you know, or what's safe. 

UNCP has a dedicated allergen section, which is free of gluten, nuts, soy, etc. The food is often the same array of things, including veggies, a starch, and a meat or fish. The food is served on DEDICATED ALLERGEN PLATES, which are blue. This section does not allow any outside silverware or plates to touch the food or utensils. Some days the options aren't the best, so a good second option is the salad bar. 

you would think a majority of toppings at the salad bar would be safe, however there's often curry cauliflower or roasted broccoli as toppings, I have asked and these are cooked with soy sauce which is NOT gluten free. In addition, they don't offer grilled chicken for toppings, but buffalo chicken which IS FRIED and NOT gluten free. the other toppings that are just raw veggies, are safe.

on the UNCP sodoxo website, the dining hall advertises that they offer gluten free bread/rolls as a bread option in the sandwhich bar, this is NOT the case. I have asked on multiple occasions, as well as requested they offer it, and it is not offered, which is unfortunate.

its obvious that pasta is not gluten free, however the PLAIN MARINARA sauce is gluten free, but the pesto and the Alfredo sauce ARE NOT!

I would avoid the taco bar, although sometimes if offered with corn tortillas, which are gluten free; the meat they use is seasoned with taco seasoning, which sometimes is not gluten free. its better to be safe than sorry. As far as the burger bar goes; the burgers are 100% ground beef, so you can order one without a bun.. however cross contamination on the cooktop may occur. The fries are made in house, and they are just cut fries deep fried, BUT they are most likely cross contaminated with other fried things.


  1. Katie! This is perfect. I'm new to the campus and this is super helpful!

  2. Hey Katie I find this really helpful. With this being just my 2nd semester here and neither time have I been to the cafe, from being to scared the food would be nasty. Now seeing this, I will go try it out.

  3. The details that you are giving us, are absolutely everything. I really appreciate the care and candor you take to really break down every single area. It just feels so genuine.

  4. Hey Katie, as a freshman I think this sis super helpful for people who have no idea how to get around in the cafe. My first time I just got aa burger because I didn't know what to get and if I should try anything else. But I plan on trying more now.


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